Largo Juvenile Delinquency Cases Lawyer
When a minor is charged with a crime, they typically go through the juvenile justice system. The terminology is different, too. Instead of being found “guilty,” your child can be adjudicated delinquent. Also, the focus in the juvenile system is on rehabilitation, not punishment—although some minors might be charged as adults for especially serious crimes.
Call The Reep Law Firm if your child was taken into custody by the police. We often receive a first phone call in the middle of the night from a panicked parent who has dozens of questions. Let’s talk about what to expect and how our Largo juvenile delinquency cases lawyer can help your family.
FAQs Involving Juvenile Delinquency
We field many calls from concerned family members who are scrambling for answers and assistance in the hours after a child is taken into custody. You have come to the right place.
- Will my child go to jail? No. However, a child might be held in detention after being taken into custody. Detention is also possible if they are adjudged delinquent—however, there are other options, too. It’s critical to meet individually with an experienced lawyer so we can offer targeted advice.
- What if my child is innocent? You can present evidence in a trial. Of course, going to trial might not be the best interest of your child, who might instead benefit from agreeing to enter rehabilitation. The right step forward depends on the facts.
- What is the Pinellas Juvenile Assessment Center? After being taken into custody, your child should be taken to the Juvenile Assessment Center. Your child will have a risk assessment performed to gauge the threat they pose to the public and whether your child should be released back home or taken to a detention center.
- Does my child have a right to a lawyer? Yes. Your child can be represented by a criminal defense attorney in juvenile proceedings. Look for someone with experience in juvenile cases. We are happy to share more information about our experience.
- What punishment does my child face? There are various sanctions a judge might impose. Community service, rehabilitation, and detention are all possibilities.
- Can my child avoid detention? Quite possibly. It depends on the offense and your child’s criminal history, among many other factors. Some alternatives include community service and probation.
- Will my child have a criminal record for this one mistake? Juvenile records are usually sealed automatically. Nonetheless, some snags might arise. Helpfully, our law firm handles sealing and expungement for adults, and we can help juveniles, as well.
You Have Questions—Our Largo Juvenile Delinquency Case Lawyers Have Answers
Receiving a phone call from the police that your child was taken into custody is scary. Many parents are frantic. These are normal emotions. In this moment, you need the steady guidance that an established Largo juvenile delinquency case lawyer can provide. Call The Reep Law Firm to get up to speed on what is happening and whether your child should fight the accusations. We are happy to meet at a convenient time for a confidential consultation.