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Should You Get A Contested Or Uncontested Divorce In Pinellas County?


After the emotional turmoil surrounding a breakup, getting a divorce in Pinellas County may seem like a very cut-and-dried process. However, each case is unique, and there are options available to help better serve your needs.

An uncontested divorce may work in uncomplicated situations and when both parties are in agreement on the terms. If your case is complex, you have children, or significant property and assets, a contested divorce may be required. Our Seminole divorce attorney explains the pros and cons of each and how to determine which is right for you.

The Benefits of Uncontested Versus Contested Divorce In Seminole

Divorce is never easy. Between all the emotions, the changes in lifestyle or residence, and other factors involved, obtaining a final divorce order through the Pinellas County Family Court can be a daunting process. Filing for a simplified, uncontested divorce can make the situation a little easier.

Under the Florida Statutes, an uncontested divorce in Seminole is one in which both parties are in agreement on the terms and have nothing to complicate their case, such as determining custody of children or disputes over marital property. The benefits compared to filing for a contested divorce in Pinellas County include:

  • A contested divorce can generally be resolved in just a few months;
  • As it requires less negotiations and only minimal appearances in court, it is generally less expensive;
  • Avoiding public court hearings protects the privacy of all involved;
  • Not spending long months fighting over divorce terms allows you to move forward more quickly and protects your emotional health.

When Filing For A Contested Divorce Is The Better Option

An uncontested divorce is generally less expensive and can result in getting a final divorce order in as little as 60 days. However, while a contested case takes longer, typically costs a bit more, and can be far more nerve-wracking, it may be the best option in certain situations. These include:

  • Cases in which one of the spouses committed adultery, was an addict, or engaged in other marital misconduct, which could cause the other to get a better divorce settlement;
  • When you suspect your spouse has hidden income or assets;
  • If there are disputes concerning children from the marriage;
  • If you are seeking spousal support payments;
  • When there are significant marital property and assets, or one of the spouses is a business owner.

A contested divorce helps in addressing these and other potentially sensitive and complicated issues. While it can take longer and cost more, you may be entitled to reimbursement for the legal expenses involved, and it can benefit you overall in terms of getting the best possible divorce settlement.

Request A Consultation With Our Pinellas County Divorce Attorney To Discuss Your Options Today

Going through a divorce involves making decisions that can impact you for years ahead. Get the experienced, trusted legal guidance you need at The Reep Law Firm. To request a consultation with our Seminole divorce attorney, call or contact our office online today.




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